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Spartanburg School District Four is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, handicap, English-speaking status or veteran status in the provision of educational opportunities and benefits in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the employment provisions (Title I) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Age Discrimination and Employment Act, and all other applicable civil rights laws. Non-discrimination inquiries regarding employees and adults should contact the Spartanburg County School District Four Administrative Offices at (864) 476-3186.
Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Part-time Reading Assistant07/26/2024Teacher AssistantWoodruff Primary SchoolApply
Special Education Assistant07/24/2024Teacher AssistantWoodruff Middle SchoolApply
Part-time Secondary Certified Business07/23/2024Secondary CertifiedWoodruff High SchoolApply
Part-time Special Education Assistant for 2024-202507/10/2024Teacher AssistantWoodruff Primary SchoolApply
Part-Time/Substitute Bus Driver07/09/2024TransportationWoodruff Primary SchoolApply
Part-time Custodian07/09/2024CustodialWoodruff Middle SchoolApply
Part-time Custodian for 2024-202507/02/2024CustodialWoodruff Primary SchoolApply
Part-time Custodian07/01/2024CustodialWoodruff Elementary SchoolApply
Full-time Teacher Assistant for 2024-202504/25/2024Teacher AssistantWoodruff Primary SchoolApply
HVAC Technician04/23/2024MaintenanceDistrict OfficeApply
Classroom Substitute Teacher08/28/2023SubstituteTo be determined based on needApply
Registered Nurse Substitute08/31/2022SubstituteTo be determined based on needApply
Food Service Substitute06/15/2022SubstituteTo be determined based on needApply
Future Secondary Certified Position06/09/2022Secondary CertifiedWoodruff High SchoolApply
Future Middle Level Certified Position06/09/2022Middle Level CertifiedWoodruff Middle SchoolApply
Future Elementary Certified Position06/09/2022Elementary CertifiedWoodruff Elementary SchoolApply
Future Early Childhood Certified Position06/09/2022Early Childhood CertifiedWoodruff Primary SchoolApply